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How we work

A unique know-how based on +15-year experience in classifieds data collection and processing

Why combine data and market knowledge?

Within the autobiz group, Joreca provides a unique value based on the combination of: 


  • a state-of-the-art crawling capability;

  • an expertise in data processing;

  • a unique and demonstrated expertise in classified markets since +15 years.


That is why our data has been supporting business cases from the M&A (due diligence, prospection) to the strategy and the daily operations of the portals (market share tracking, growth potential identification, sales effort prioritisation, churn rate optimisation…) 


A recognised team of marketplace and data specialists

+20 experts with significative marketplace and/or tech experience among them:

Data engineers

The market standard to monitor inventory and publishers market shares while  tracking strategic market trends

Data producers

A unique granular tool to track professional advertisers’ behavior, design upsale or acquisition campaigns

Markets analysts

Leverage the best of Joreca consistent and historical data and market knowledge to answer strategic questions


A proprietary state of the art technology

Our data flow is operated by expert crawl and data production teams,
leveraging the latest technology as well as using our experience in the classified market industry

Crawling and parsing 
Download all the listings and extract the content of each listing

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